
Yageo - Established in 1977, the Yageo Corporation has become a world-class provider of passive components services with capabilities on a global scale, including production and sales facilities in Asia, Europe and the Americas. The corporation provides one-stop-shopping, offering its complete product portfolio of resistors, capacitors and wireless components to meet the diverse requirements of customers. Yageo currently ranks as the world No.1 in chip-resistors, No. 3 in MLCCs and No. 4 in ferrite products, with strong global presence - 21 sales offices, 9 production sites and 2 R&D centers worldwide. Yageo’s product offerings are targeting at key vertical markets, including consumer electronics, computers & peripherals, industrial/power, alternative energy and automotive. We serve leading global customers, such as EMS, ODM, OEM and distributors.

Yageo Онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн

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