
The “AnaSem Group”, the body, is composed of R&D, IC-design, fabless IC makers, module assembly houses, along with marketing, sales, technical and quality assurance supporting departments, making us the comprehensive solution provider from inside to outside. We bear extensive experience for development and production of IC, sensor and module design and manufacturing, especially for Analog and Digital Mixed-Signal Technology with CMOS concept. From these experiences, we have gotten lots of know-how skills in which allow us to develop fine products such as Crystal Oscillator module based on our IC design. In the market, most of the oscillator module manufacturers produce oscillator units based on integrating / using crystal elements; yet, AnaSem is the sole module manufacturer who started from manufacturing IC-only based oscillator modules in the world.

AnaSem Онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн

Санал хүсэлт

Таныг Chipsmall-ийн бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээтэй хамтран ажиллаж байгаад бид талархаж байна. Таны санал бодол бидэнд чухал! Доорх маягтыг бөглөхөд хэсэг хугацаа зарцуулна уу. Таны үнэ цэнэтэй санал хүсэлт нь бид танд хүртэх ёстой онцгой үйлчилгээг тууштай хүргэх баталгаа болдог. Бидний шилдэгт хүрэх аялалын нэг хэсэг болсонд баярлалаа.