GlobTek, Inc.

GlobTek, Inc. - Established in 1984, GlobTek is a world-class manufacturer of switching power supplies, chargers, cables, power cords, and batteries. Headquartered in the US, we operate our own manufacturing, sales, service, and technical operations in North America, Europe, and China. We serve a global, diverse customer base who represent the top tier of their respective industries: medical, IT, industrial, and others. Our products are certified by most globally recognized regulatory and safety agencies including UL, ETL, Semko, TUV, and CCC. GlobTek supports its commitment to excellence by operating its own world-class, vertically integrated manufacturing operations, and by investing in a truly global quality, technical, and customer support infrastructure.

GlobTek, Inc. Онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн

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