KIOXIA America Inc.

To meet the different needs of customers' applications, our SLC NAND flash memory products provide a variety of capacities and packaging options. SLC NAND, with its fast read and write performance and high reliability, is widely used in a variety of products from consumer to industrial. Not only that, compared with NOR-type flash memory, SLC NAND can bring significant cost advantages to the design. As a leader in the flash memory industry, Kioxia actively introduces advanced technology into SLC NAND flash products. In addition, SLC NAND-BE NANDTM with built-in ECC and SLC NAND with serial interface are also available. Therefore, customers can flexibly choose suitable SLC NAND products according to the ECC capability and memory interface of the master control in the design.

KIOXIA America Inc. Онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн

Санал хүсэлт

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