VICTOR(Double King Industrial Holdings)

Double King Industrial Holdings Co.,limited specializes in selling instruments and meters under the brand of VICTOR.YITENSEN. "VICTOR" and "YITENSEN" products have won a good reputation since our first promotion in the 1980s. Our products include analog and digital multimeters, clamp-meters, calibrators , megohmmeters, thermometers, tachometers, vibrometers, lux meters, function generators, frequency counters, oscilloscopes and other electronic testing and measuring equipment. Nowadays, we have agents and representatives in every city of China. Meanwhile, we successfully enter the overseas market in many countries. We strive to provide the best products and most considerate services to all customers.

VICTOR(Double King Industrial Holdings) Онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн

Санал хүсэлт

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